Radio frequency cavitation body slimming

The Ultrasonic Cavitation and Radio Frequency treatment breaks down fat cells, smooths cellulite, tones and tightens your skin.

Ultrasonic Cavitation uses low-frequency sound waves to burst fat cells, transforming their contents into free fatty acids that are naturally disposed of by the lymphatic system.  Once in the lymphatic system, a light pressured massage focused on lymphatic drainage can be performed to rid the body of the free fatty acids.

Radio frequency uses radio frequency (RF) energy to heat tissue and stimulate collagen production in order to reduce the appearance of fine lines and tighten loose skin. The technique induces tissue remodeling and production of new collagen and elastin. RF is a technique that is used to tighten the skin can also be used in the reduction of fat.

Benefits of Ultrasonic Cavitation & Radio Frequency – 

  • Painless and nonsurgical way to remove fat and cellulite.
  • Reduce fat in specific areas – thighs, hips, stomach, back, buttocks and arms
  • Tighten and tone sagging skin
  • Smooth Cellulite
  • FAST and EFFECTIVE! Some may see results after one session but it is recommended in a series of 6 sessions.


Pre & Post Care – 

In order to make your treatments more effective, you will want to be sure to drink plenty of water (at least 1.5 liters) before and after your treatment. We also recommend eating a low calorie diet and minimizing your intake or carbohydrates and fat for at least 24 hours before hand. This will help to burn any fatty acid and glucose stored in your body.

After treatment it is recommended that you receive a lymphatic massage and/or receive a thermal heating treatment to maximize results.

Treatment Time – 

The treatments are 40-60 minute sessions. You may see results after one session but is highly recommended to receive 6-12 sessions to achieve the desired result. Sessions must be spaced out at least 72 hours apart.

Who can receive this treatment?

Most people that are looking to reduce fat and cellulite and want to tighten the skin are good candidates for this treatment. However, anyone with a pacemaker, cardiac or vascular disease, and pregnant women should NOT have the Ultrasonic Cavitation or Radio Frequency treatment performed. If you have any other medical conditions, you will need to consult with your physician before treatment.